Scales for String Instruments: Prepare your 3-octave major scales up to 4 sharps or 4 flats. 1 to 2 octaves for double bass with no displacement. All scales and arpeggios are to be memorized. Scales and arpeggios must be played in even eighth notes using separate bows. Quarter note = 88-96. You will be asked to play one major scale and arpeggio
Scales for Wind Instruments: Prepare your chromatic scale slurred full range of the instrument, and your major and melodic minor scales with arpeggios up to 4 sharps and 4 flats if range permits, tongued up and slurred down. All scales will be memorized and performed in sixteenth notes at a minimum tempo of quarter note=60. You will be asked to play one major and one minor scale with arpeggios.
Beethoven Symphony No. 7 violin excerpt from mvt II from measures 51 until 100.
Mozart: Symphony 35, mvt. I (m 41-66)
Beethoven: Symphony 5, mvt. II: Prepare Excerpt #1
Double Bass: Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 Mvt. II (Beginning til Reh 49)
Flute: Dvorak Symphony No 9
Oboe: Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherezade: Prepare Excerpt #2
Clarinet: Dvořák: Symphony No. 8, Mvt. II: Prepare Excerpt #1
Bassoon: Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3: Prepare Excerpt #3
Horn: Beethoven: Symphony No. 8, Mvt. III (45-78)
Trumpet: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5: Prepare Excerpt #2
Trombone: Wagner: Lohengrin: Prepare Excerpt #4
Wagner: Lohengrin: Prepare excerpt #4 located at the bottom of the list under Trombone 3