Thank you to those who made gifts to the Tampa Metropolitan Youth Orchestra during the 2021-2022 season. Your contributions helped sustain a quality musical experience for all young musicians in Tampa Bay.
Conductor’s Circle ($10, 000+)
The George C. Forsythe Foundation
Virtuoso Circe ($5,000+)
Violin Shop Tampa
Our staff of accomplished musicians expertly guide you to the perfect instrument so you feel confident and proud of how you sound ~ no matter how long you’ve been playing.
Violin Shop Tampa
TMYO is sponsored in part by the Florida Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council of Arts and Culture, the State of Florida and the National Endowment for the Arts. Hillsborough County Florida Arts Council
David Golden Baton ($1000 – $4999)
Isaac Ruiz-Carus
Encore Circle ($500 – $999)
John Sweeny
The Flores-Tsai Family
Haein Kang
Chamber Circle ($250 – $499)
Richard and Soyoen Kim — Parents of Joshua
Derrick Thomas
Friends ($100 – $249)
Jean & Denis Calandra
Dana & Eric Gruman
Susanne & Jack Hebert
Heine Family
Hudson Family
Henry & Caroline Johnson
Kopernick Global Investors in honor of Simon Shi
Nancy & Tim Lorenzen
Parents of Daniel Park
Yiru Shen and Simon Shi
Dr. John and Barbara Sinnott
Fernando Traba
Diana Burgueno Vega in honor of Sebastian
David Kingma In Honor of John Sweeney
Chris & Cindy Wolfe
Contributors (Up to $99)
Nebi Bakare
Yumi Heverly
The Valdes Family
In-Kind Donations
Beth Waligorski
Many employers will match your gift, there by doubling or tripling your impact on TMYO. Check with your employer to see whether it offers a matching gift program. Often times, you will be required to submit a form to your employer with your donation amount and the date you made your gift. Ask your employer to join our Matching Sponsors, AMGEN and JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. Contact Us with questions or to speak with our staff in person.